Well, needless to say, Al and I had a great time in San Antonio...
It was a whirlwind trip, but worth every minute of it.
The Beth Moore conference was wonderful, and her message was so timely for me. Not only was it timely, but she taught over Psalm 16, which is a rhema passage to Jeff and I. For almost a year, he read Ps. 16 over our family every night, so it is one of those psalms that is deep inside me. Needless to say, when she started teaching about how the Lord is our Portion - I was just eating it up. She was speaking my language completely. But one of the things that totally blew my socks off was when she started expounding on Deutoronomy 32:9, which teaches us that the Lord has an inheritance, as well. The King of the Universe, Lord of Lords, has an inheritance? I'd never grasped the magnitude of it before, but the word says that WE are HIS inheritance...
"For the Lord's portion is His people..." - Deut. 32:9
We are His inheritance?!?!!!! People. His people. That's what He desires, that is His portion. I never cease to be amazed at the depth of His love. He really is passionate about relationship with us.
I also was so encouraged by the realization that I am an Heir of God. There is so much I learned about inheritance, so much about my lot and my portion, that it will take a while to process. But, suffice it to say, I am praising God for a weekend where I could just sit under anointed teaching and get a fresh word from God. (Plus, getting to have girl time with Al was just icing on the cake!)
I'll wrap this up with a few pics of Gabe and his first encounter with bubbles. It was a fun time!