Monday, August 25, 2008

Well, needless to say, Al and I had a great time in San Antonio...

It was a whirlwind trip, but worth every minute of it.

The Beth Moore conference was wonderful, and her message was so timely for me. Not only was it timely, but she taught over Psalm 16, which is a rhema passage to Jeff and I. For almost a year, he read Ps. 16 over our family every night, so it is one of those psalms that is deep inside me. Needless to say, when she started teaching about how the Lord is our Portion - I was just eating it up. She was speaking my language completely. But one of the things that totally blew my socks off was when she started expounding on Deutoronomy 32:9, which teaches us that the Lord has an inheritance, as well. The King of the Universe, Lord of Lords, has an inheritance? I'd never grasped the magnitude of it before, but the word says that WE are HIS inheritance...
"For the Lord's portion is His people..." - Deut. 32:9

We are His inheritance?!?!!!! People. His people. That's what He desires, that is His portion. I never cease to be amazed at the depth of His love. He really is passionate about relationship with us.

I also was so encouraged by the realization that I am an Heir of God. There is so much I learned about inheritance, so much about my lot and my portion, that it will take a while to process. But, suffice it to say, I am praising God for a weekend where I could just sit under anointed teaching and get a fresh word from God. (Plus, getting to have girl time with Al was just icing on the cake!)

I'll wrap this up with a few pics of Gabe and his first encounter with bubbles. It was a fun time!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Can't wait for tomorrow...

I can't remember the last time I had a "girl's night out" - so, obviously, it's been a while. But, tomorrow will put an end to that!

My dear BFF, Allison, got us some tickets to a Beth Moore conference in San Antonio, and WE ARE GOING! I'll drop the Gabester off at his Grammy's house, then Al and I are off to a quick trip to SA. I can't believe I'm actually getting to do this! Wow! An entire 24 hour period where I don't have to tend to anyone else - should be great! Although, I will miss the boys.

But, I think I'll be able to comfort myself as I stroll along the Riverwalk, free from the incumbrances of strollers and diaper bags. Woo hoo!

Monday, August 18, 2008

When the Hubby gets sick...

I think this huge bottle pretty well sums up my day.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A few pics and ramblings on Saturday night

My apologies for not blogging sooner...As many of you know, I am completely OBSESSED with the Olympics - and in order to watch most of the gymnastic events, we headed out to my parents' ranch in Adamsville to get our fill of the Beijing games.

Sadly, I don't get cell phone service out there - or not so sadly... :) So, I decided to make my sensory deprivation complete by not getting online much either. (Plus, their Internet is slower than watching hair grow.) So, I totally immersed myself in watching the Olympics at night and relaxing in the country with the Gabester.

Here's a pic of him getting to be pals with Gus, the ranch dog. Please note, he is discovering Gus' tail, which provided lots of entertainment! (Gus also makes a great chair...) We also found Gabe's first frog, visited with our dear neighbors and friends, the McIlroys, ate tons of chocolate chip cookies - or "chocolate chippers" as we like to call them, and looked through tons of family recipes, but I didn't have the camera handy for any of those other exciting events.

And here's a fun pic of me and my boy!

I tried, in vain, to post a video of Gabe dancing. I was just trying to upload a 50 second video from my digital camera onto this site and it took so long, that I think my computer finally gave up. Does anyone have any advice of a more practical way to upload videos???

In other news...We've dropped the price yet again on our house and are praying for a buyer to come sooner rather than later. It's been really fun to look at houses up here in Temple, but at the same time, I don't want to get too set on anything until we could really make an offer...But, it sure is helpful to look around.

And who knew that this weekend was Tax-Free Weekend?!?!?!?!? I totally DID NOT get that memo!

We were so excited to have a fun day off today, and Jeff needed some new jeans, so we headed out to do some shopping and have a meal out. Old Navy was like a jungle, and when we went to Target, I noticed that they had conveniently removed ALL of their sale and clearance racks in order to make room for all the full priced items...Sneaky.

But, we're home safely now and it is finally time for the nightly ritual of Oreos and milk.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I suppose life is full of them. Transitions, I mean.

Yesterday, I had a long talk with a dear friend of mine (ahem...Colleen...) about how it feels to move to a new place and start over from scratch. She recently moved to a large city with no family nearby. My brother and his family just moved to a different state, started a new job, and bought a house. I know so many people who are in transition. Even Jeff and I decided to join the transition club and move to Temple, TX. I've heard it prophesied many times that "2008 will be the year of NEW BEGINNINGS," - I just didn't realize until recently how true that is.

Granted, some transitions are more drastic than others - but, I think that any time you are in transition, whether it be starting a new job or moving to a foreign country, the tendency is to get stuck in comparison. And comparison often leads to complaining...

One of my personal goals is to, as I say it, "be wherever I am 110%." Meaning, if I'm in a conversation with someone, I try my hardest to focus on the person and what they're saying. I obviously have a long way to go on this, but that's why it is a goal. If any of you have worked with youth or college, you know how challenging that can be! (If any of you have ever had a toddler you understand even better!)

We live in such a multi-tasking society. We can drive to the mall, listen to the radio, send out a few dozen texts, corral the kids, and still somehow manage to function.

But, the challenge I'm striving for is that I can be 110% engaged in whatever I'm focusing on. Be 110% devoted to the situation I'm in. Whether that means really getting to know the 75 year old grandmother in my church, who is rather difficult to understand, but brimming over with wisdom and humor or simply settling it in my heart that I AM in the midst of a transition and I might as well work each day with what I've been given, instead of wishing things were as they were, or just wishing things would move a bit faster. 110%. Philippians describes it as "being content whatever the circumstances." I think Paul was onto something there.

Sometimes it's easy to focus so much on the transition, and totally lose sight of the joys of each day. To focus on what is seen, rather than on what is unseen and have a heavenly mindset and "heart-set." So, I'll keep working on the 110% goal. I guess that means I should wrap this up now and focus 110% on starting dinner...


And for those of you who haven't seen the swanky brown hair metamorphosis, here's a somewhat clear pic of it:

And, today is a very special day for my nephew...
HAPPY 5th BIRTHDAY LUKE!!!! Here are a few pictures for you!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Jumping In!

After much deliberation, we decided it was time to get ourselves a Blogspot. We keep up with lots of people through this site, so I guess it's time we jump in to the blogspot pool ourselves! I'm not the best at posting pictures, but I'll try to work on that. If anyone has any tips for us about the world of Blogspotting, please fill us in.

Thanks so much!

Jeff, Kelli, and Gabe